Over the past few months, conversations with my friends have invariably come to focus on all thing’s hormone related...

A Beginners Guide to getting on the Mat…………

Over the past few months, conversations with my friends have invariably come to focus on all thing’s hormone-related.

Were a mixed bag in our forties and fifties! Some at the start of perimenopause and some slap bang in the middle of hot flushes, brain fog, insomnia, HRT and all the fun these challenging years brings with it.

One thing we all agree on is that stress plays a huge factor in exacerbating these symptoms and how our hormones fluctuate.

A regular yoga practice has helped me eliminate or reduce some of these by reducing stress triggers as well as building bone density to help prevent osteoporosis and improve muscle strength and tone.

So, if this if your first time on a Yoga Mat lets chat about how to get your practice started. Here are some of my tips to get you moving:

·       Chose a yoga class that is right for you and listen to what your body needs (ideally a beginner’s level hatha or embodied yoga class that will help you relieve stress)

·       Start with acceptance and release expectations

·       Appreciate your body and your life exactly as it is right now

·       Get comfortable in stillness – this is a challenge believe me!

·       Get familiar with the basic poses

·       Have fun

If you are a little nervous starting, remember everyone is the class usually feels the same and were all on this journey together. Introduce yourself to the teacher and let them know any concerns you may have. They will make you feel welcome and ensure you enjoy your class where you do not have to struggle. Whether you are young or old, overweight, or fit, yoga has the power to calm the mind and strengthen the body. Yoga is for everyone.

I look forward to meeting you on your Mat. Namaste 🙏